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TEC stands for "Teens Encounter Christ." It is a name used for a movement of personal Christian Renewal within the church. The instrument of renewal originated in Missouri under the name of "Show Me" TEC. It has been in North Carolina since March 1990. It is a highly structured, well-thought-out method of renewing the faith of individuals, the congregations from which they come, and the environments in which they live. This renewal movement is presented as a united effort of laypersons and clergy to aid congregations in the development of young Christian leaders.

A TEC retreat is an encounter with Christ in which the participant becomes part of a community abounding in God's grace. It enhances and strengthens our personal relations with Christ, with our Christian brothers and sisters, and with our community. The TEC retreat is coming face-to-face with Christ. TEC has a central goal:

To change the world, to remake the world in Christ.

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